Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Project 8:(Emphasis/Space) Still-Life, Graphite

I will setup a basic still-life in the photo lab. You will select a section of the still life that will act as THE FOCAL POINT. You will properly render the still-life making sure to pay attention to PERSPECTIVE, FORM, AND OTHER RENDERING ISSUES. The size will be 10x10 on quality drawing paper.
1. We will setup two-day blocks for you to render. Only three people at a time will be allowed in the room and certain people will not be allowed to draw together.
2. If you do not complete the drawing within the two-day period YOU ARE TO COME IN ON YOUR OWN TIME (AFTER EATING LUNCH AND AFTER SCHOOL) TO COMPLETE THE DRAWING.
3. You must be careful to draw what you see and to be accurate.
4. Do NOT draw too small.

The expectation was a minimum of 4 to 6 focused hours rendering each final panel in order to create a quality product, although skill level may have meant I needed to spend more. I spent a total of 5-6 hours rendering the final panel.

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